Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

BA_C_HIST051217 mod 7 dis

BA_C_HIST051217 mod 7 dis

Q 2. Read an excerpt from such a history book in Peter Baker's essay "Project Putin" (p.38). What is your opinion on the textbook's message? Do you feel this type of "historical" text is, in a way, a step back towards Soviet-style propaganda? Explain your opinion. Do you think schools need to draw a line between education and politics, education and indoctrination? Should any time be spent in schools glorifying (or even discussing) the country's leaders? Make sure to tie your answer to the Russian example.

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The excerpt as taken from one of St. Petersburg school textbook is definitely not liable to be incorporated as a part of a school textbook because I feel that by representing solely the positive face of a political leader, it does more harm than good because it may help to extract obedience and thus help in providing stability, however, on the flip side, it can be seen as a stifling agent stunting the development of a a critical mindset. Schools are a very important medium of political socialization and go a long way in indoctrinating children with certain set perceptions with regard to the political entities which surround them.